Celebrity thumbs: Up when Guinness


Introduces a smooth new taste

Celebrity thumbs

Guinness Smooth is a new addition to its stout line-up. The original Guinness brewed this new beer with the same malt and roast characteristics as the original Guinness. However, the consumers claim that the new brew is different because it has a perfect balance of bitter and sweet stout flavours, celebrity thumbs which gives it a smoother, more refreshing taste.

Original Guinness fans love the full-bodied flavor with strong fruity and roast characteristics. We will continue to cater to Guinness lovers, but we wanted to offer our customers something new and more exciting. “We believe that this product will appeal both to male and female consumers, who are looking for something that can be enjoyed with close friends at any occasion,” Nathan Nelms is the Guinness Brand Manager.

Guinness Smooth is a blend of chocolate and coffee notes, with additional caramel and butterscotch flavours. This creates a delightful flavourful liquid that combines the best of both banana and green apple. Nelms claims that the new brew will be a popular choice because of its taste and affordability.

Brian Lumley, celebrity thumbs chef, gave a great review of the new brew. This is a great innovation. It has a smooth taste and lots of flavour, as is evident by its name. Guinness Smooth is a drink that I love, not only as a drink but also because it can be added flavour to delicious meals. Lumley said that Guinness Smooth can be mixed with chicken, lamb, and other meats.

Guinness Smooth hosted a soft launch event that included virtual attendance by social media influencers like ZJ Sparks and Ruption. Tami & Wayne Mitchell were also there as well as TV host Ashley Miller. The show was closed by Christopher Martin, a recording artist who performed several of his hits songs.

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This launch marks the end of Stout Month, a four-week-long celebration in honour of dark-roasted malt.

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